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The Women In Leadership podcast brings you fascinating audio interviews with inspirational Leading Women.

In each interview, journalist and broadcaster Angie Mezzetti will explore the individual’s journey to her current leadership position and hear what challenges she may have met along the way. You can learn what advice Pearls Of Wisdom she can offer to both and men and women who want to see more women represented at every level of decision making in organisations, in politics, in the boardroom, in science and technology, in academia and education, in sports, in social justice, in banking, in entrepreneurship and in philanthropy.

You can hear how they how they balance the demands of private and family life with the day job. Listen as they share how they have been influenced by others and learn what inspires them in good times and bad.  Listen to their go to music choice. Hear how they manage their finances and what was the best bit of money advice they ever got. How are they helping the environment. It’s all there. Have a listen now.

Latest Episodes

Sue Deagle Illuminating and Living In The Moment

Sue Deagle talks about surviving grief and loss and even daring to thrive. “We’re told in society, when you go through grief, it’s this five stages, it’s very linear. But no time after loss is linear. Some days you’re up, some days you’re down. One of the hardest things to accept is that you can’t control where your emotions are from day to day. Sue talks about connecting with nature, resilience and her need to survive and thrive because of her experience in this Women In Leadership podcast.with Angie Mezzetti.

Dr Orlaigh Quinn Trail Blazing Secretary General

Dr Orlaigh Quinn the guest on this podcast is one of a rare breed. She rose through the Irish Civil Servant to become the Secretary General or head of the government Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment in Ireland.  There have only ever been 13 women to reach this position. What is even more impressive is that she was a trail blazer with few women role models. This reason there were so few women in senior leadership ranks was in no small way due to the fact that the Marriage Bar was in place in Ireland until 1973. This rule meant that when a woman got married, she was barred from her job and had to resign her position in the public service.

Katie Honan ‘How To Fall Flat On Your Face’

Actor Katie Honan talks about becoming a successful playwright thanks to the pandemic which gave her the headspace and time to work on creating work she never quite found the time to do before. In the process of writing ‘How To Fall Flat On Your Face’ she also learned how to pull a piece of theatre together from the business end and how to assemble a team of successful creatives. Katie has a new fascination with neuroscience thanks to the development research for the play which explores how a fall can lead to spiraling thoughts and sweating the small stuff. Memory she says is about the future.

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